Monday, September 2, 2019

Jpeg Mafia response

Listening to the JPEGmafia playlist was something else, I have never had a playlist with such emotional range. the first 9 songs in a row was a roller coaster. Ups and downs and sweet singing and nice melodies to furious and intense beats and noises. The production value on the songs seems very deep however listening on Apple Music I can only imagine im missing much much more. Going back to the emotional range I mentioned earlier. It was this that impressed me the most because right when I was getting to a point where the weird songs were too much like at IC3PEAK's song the wave would crash into something easy like Your dog, which felt like needed relaxing after the intensity of the previous songs. The first song actually by jpeg mafia "thug tears" had cool production, the clicks that pan in and out in a wave with an off beat drum behind it was interesting. this reminded me of revolver where you really feel like they are just playing instruments and noises around your ears in 360 degrees. Very cool listen.

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